The United States healthcare system has been proven as feeble judging from how the nation has fared in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this report, we see how the outbreak of the virus has made the nation’s healthcare system seem unorganized and incapable of dealing with major health issues.
The United States has Not done so Well
As a world power from various viewpoints, the United States has had a hard time dealing with the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The truth is that the major strides in curbing the spread of the disease have only been made in recent times.
This is likely as a result of the new administration that has taken a keen interest in resolving the situation once and for all. But, how bad has the situation gotten?
As of the last count, reports from credible sources claim that the death toll as a result of this virus is well over 500 thousand. Among the casualties are health workers who were gallantly front liners in dealing with this negative situation that the entire world has suffered from.
This number has been corroborated by several key government agencies stressing the need to honor the souls of the departed citizens and residents at large.
Measures in Place to Prevent a Recurrence
Government establishments like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other key stakeholders have learned a thing or two from the position the pandemic put the nation in. As a result, it is believed that there are active measures in place to prevent a recurrence.
As a matter of fact, the 1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill that will be debated in Capitol Hill later this week, has a sizable chunk dedicated to dealing effectively with a reoccurrence.
It should also be noted that the United States is not the only developed nation that has had a hard time dealing with the pandemic. The United Kingdom is another example as the administrators have been repeatedly blamed for their lack of proactive measures.